The last time I got sick, I had a stuffy nose for a few days. One night I had chills. I craved soup. But after a few days—three, maybe four—I was back out running in my local neighborhood, training for a half marathon. Within a week, I was completely back to normal. Like many young, healthy people, viruses were at most an annoying and irregular occurrence before the pandemic.

But that does not appear to be the case for many people who test positive for COVID-19. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that most people who get COVID-19 do get better and return to normal health, the organization also acknowledges that some people’s symptoms can last for weeks or months after they recover from the acute illness. Even people with mild cases can have ongoing symptoms or symptoms that appear later. In one telephone study published by the CDC, researchers collected responses from 270 symptomatic adults who tested positive for COVID-19. Ninety-five of them—35%—still had lingering symptoms of COVID two to three weeks later. Among those reporting ongoing symptoms, 19% were people between the ages of 18 to 35 who had no chronic medical conditions.

So what does it feel like in the months after being diagnosed with coronavirus? Seven women shared their experiences with SELF, from their best guesses about how they got the infection to how they’re doing now.

1. I’m young, but I’m still facing lingering symptoms.

“I got it early in March. There weren’t enough tests, so I was presumed positive and told that I’d pull through because I’m a young adult—I was 25 years old at the time. I told doctors I couldn’t taste and smell, but they said that those weren’t symptoms. Now we know those are huge COVID-19 symptoms.

“COVID was literally one of the scariest experiences. I’d feel terrible for days, then I’d feel better and stronger, and the next few days would be even worse. I still can’t breathe with ease. I still feel exhausted even after sleeping 8 to 12 hours daily. I still struggle to catch my breath after walking up a short flight of stairs. I still have a cough. My whole body aches every day. My chest feels tight constantly. Everything, even something as simple as getting out of bed and walking my dogs, seems to take absolutely all of my energy. My brain feels foggy, and I’m struggling to remember things.

“I do yoga and walk my dogs with my husband. I’ve never been a runner, but I’m trying to get into it. My anxiety has been through the roof because I don’t have answers, and I don’t know what to do. I was a swimmer for years, so struggling to breathe, mixed with issues like anxiety, really gets to me. But I’m doing my best and trying to do what I can.

“The lingering effects are unlike anything I ever imagined. Please remember that if you think it’s not a big deal.” —Anastasia J., 26

2. I’ve had ongoing fear that makes it hard to leave the house.

“I got COVID from my husband, who works outside the house. I don’t. He’s sure he got it at work because many people were diagnosed there in the same time frame. I had symptoms, along with my husband, the weekend of June 12. He was diagnosed on June 18, and I was diagnosed a week later.

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“It took four weeks before I was free of a fever for three days in a row without taking medication. I lost my sense of taste and smell within the first week. I lost my sense of taste completely for two months. I can taste things, but if I’m eating a meal that has combined ingredients, I will taste only one of the ingredients, like maybe garlic or onion, or maybe green pepper. I’ve learned to accept that this may be my life from here on out.

“Both my husband and I have congestion we didn’t have before. And I have chest pain. I take a daily baby aspirin. If I don’t, I will feel pain or tightness when I’m exerting myself or sometimes when I’m just breathing. My hair was falling out regularly in big clumps every time I brushed, combed, or washed my hair, but that’s finally stopped. That lasted three or four months.

“The stress, I will tell you, is something that people shouldn’t take lightly. My first post-COVID trips outside the house to run errands made me so nervous. Just thinking about it gave me stress headaches. I didn’t want to risk possibly being exposed to COVID again. So it’s taken around three months for me to relax about that. I’m still a little nervous driving places, and I wear a mask and social distance if I have to go anywhere, but at least I can do it now without five days of stressful thinking and planning.” —Jackie D., 56

3. Mostly I’m OK, but I’m not back to 100%.

“My partner went to the gym on a Monday, and by Friday morning I was experiencing symptoms. I got tested on July 2 and didn’t get my results until July 14. I tested positive. My symptoms included runny nose, earache, loss of smell and taste, congestion, diarrhea, fever and chills, joint pain, back pain, and exhaustion. The only persistent COVID-19 symptoms I deal with are chronic back and joint pain and exhaustion. They said I could feel symptoms for months after. I recently tested negative, but the pain comes and goes.

“I’ve seen my primary care physician once a month since July and have been tested multiple times. Overall I feel fine, but the continued back pain, joint pain, and exhaustion aren’t great. I just find myself having less energy to do things like I used to, even around the house. I used to be able to clean for hours, and now I have to take frequent breaks, stretch, and sit down. I never suffered shortness of breath or coughs, but my body just gets…tired. I’m anxious about possibly getting it again. I definitely suffer from ‘COVID fog’ where mundane things I’ve done a thousand times will sometimes become difficult. I’m healthy, but have persistent pain.” —Brittani M., 31

4. I got COVID at work, and it took a couple of months for my symptoms to go away.

“I contracted COVID-19 at a daycare I was working at in late spring. I was interacting with children who were participating in a summer daycare program. I had a low-grade fever and a dry cough. I could not taste anything, and I had congestion and a headache. I had body chills and aches. I was also extremely fatigued—I slept pretty much the whole day for several days. I also had some chest pain.

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“Most of my symptoms went away after about two weeks. However, I had some lingering chest pain for about a month. Also, about a month later, I had another period where I got a low-grade fever for a couple of days and had a cough. I’m not dealing with lingering symptoms of COVID anymore. I’m more so feeling fatigued with the quarantine and restrictions. Also, now that there is cold weather and less sunlight, I’ve really needed to pay more attention to my own mental health.” —Autumn C., 27

5. Getting sick with COVID was hard; losing my mom to COVID was harder.

“My parents, husband, and I were invited to a family member’s birthday dinner at a local restaurant on October 19. I decided to stay home. My entire family contracted COVID-19 that night at the restaurant. They all used masks, as mandated in our state, but they took them off at the table.

“I began to feel minor symptoms such as body aches the last week of October. Eventually, I had severe body ache, low-grade fever, chills, shakiness, cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, loss of smell, loss of taste, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. I am still experiencing extreme fatigue, brain fog, difficulty breathing, and diarrhea. There are days I can hike, clean the house, and work. There are other days I’m lucky if I have the energy to shower. I am still testing positive eight weeks after my initial diagnosis. I am unable to continue my fertility treatments until I am able to produce a negative COVID-19 test.

“My mom had the most severe case out of all of us. She was rushed to the hospital and placed in the ICU. I would call her nurses three times a day to check on her status, and I asked them to send her messages from me that I loved her. After a few days, the doctors explained that COVID-19 had destroyed her lungs, and, even on a ventilator, there was little to no hope of recovery. They said we had two choices: assist her to pass with us in the room so she wouldn’t die alone, or allow her to pass whenever her body gave up, likely alone. We chose not to let her leave this world alone. It was the hardest choice I’ve ever had to make and one that still haunts me.

“It’s been hard. I feel there is a certain stigma if you get COVID-19. I feel depressed at times and also angry. You’re really left alone to fight this virus. The grief and physical aftereffects of COVID are too much some days. I’m just taking it one day at a time.” —Milka D., 40

6. I have preexisting conditions. I thought I was going to die.

“I have lupus and asthma, so I’ve been staying at home. My partner works, but he wore his mask and did all of the no-touch protocols. We don’t know how I got the coronavirus. July 4, I thought I had the flu. I had vomiting and a stomach ache. I lost my sense of taste. I went to bed and was super dizzy and confused. By July 7 I was sleeping, like, 20 hours a day, and I couldn’t even answer simple questions, so I was taken to the hospital and diagnosed officially. I was in one of those weird isolation rooms. After two or three days of hospitalization, oxygen the first day, and all kinds of drugs, they sent me home still sick as a dog.

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“My brain is all jacked now. I was a writer and copy editor for years. I’m a word nerd. I kept a Latin dictionary by my desk. But I can’t spell well anymore. Every day I struggle to remember the word tablet. Things still taste different. I’m so freaking happy to be alive, but I don’t want other people to go through what I’ve gone through.” —Lisa N., 55

7. I was an athlete. Now I black out walking around my home.

“I received my positive test on June 30. I never had a fever. I was really tired. I had a little cough. I had some pretty searing headaches, especially at night. But it really wasn’t that bad. By the end of my quarantine, which was two weeks, I felt really good. A couple of days after my quarantine I thought, Well, I better start getting into shape. I headed off to do a hike right outside the neighborhood. I got to the edge of the neighborhood, and I thought, Oh my God, I can’t do this. I wasn’t out of breath—I was looking for a place to lie down. I was exhausted.

I was a firefighter. I had a 30-year career, and I’ve been really tired before. But if I move too fast or really even just walk at a normal pace, it feels like somebody turns my generator off. I spent a couple of months thinking it would get better, and then I went to my doctor, who started me down this long path of testing. My heart is good. My lungs are good. But for some reason, when I move, my oxygen saturation drops too low, and they can’t figure out why.

“It can be pretty devastating to be one of those unlucky people who doesn’t get better. I’ve been an athlete my entire life. Being a female firefighter, I was really proud of the fact that I retired without breaking physically. And now I can’t walk any significant distance. I tried to do what I always do, which is start slow and increase a little bit each day. I started out by walking one lap around the outside of the house. I did that three days a week, then five days a week, and increased it to two laps. I got up to about five laps, and then I started blacking out. Now I’m kind of afraid. People have suggested I try to work out lying down, so I’ve done some of that. If I black out, at least I don’t fall over.

“It’s a huge loss. The last time I grieved this much was when my husband died 13 years ago. I lived through it and remarried. But really, within the last week, I’ve realized that the only way I’m going to get through this is to stop hoping I get better. It’s kind of akin to hoping someone who’s dead is going to come back. I’ve just got to get used to this new life.” —Margy M., 63

Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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